AmigaOS3.5 (460/967)

From:Gregory Donner
Date:16 May 2000 at 03:11:18
Subject:Re: BoingBag #2?

On 15-May-00, J.G. wrote:

> Just wondered where BOingBag #2 will reach the light of day, are we behind
> or right on schedule with this?
> Be good to see alot of little quirks fixed.

I believe Martin Steigerwald is back working on it, as he finished his work on
AmigaWriter 2, and other H&P projects. I'm not sure if Olaf Barthel is back on
it, but if he gets time he probably will be.


Gregory Donner

- Team AMIGA -
Home: gregdonner at earthlink dot net, Work: gdonner at hcjbeng dot org
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